Por Ana Paola Fernández
El mundo enfermo y banal en el que vivimos dio una prueba de que cada vez estamos menos conscientes y desinformados de lo que es belleza.
La modelo, artista y fotógrafa Arvida Byström de nacionalidad sueca fue víctima de comentarios misóginos sobre su imagen en la campaña de Adidas Original el mes pasado.
Tras recibir amenazas de violación y comentarios machistas sobre su persona Arvida dijo en su cuenta de Instagram que recibió las amenazas por DM y y que no podía imaginar como es no tener todos esos privilegios y tratar de existir en este mundo.
Hubo muchos comentarios a favor y en contra de la declaración de la modelo que como pocas cuestiona los estándares de género y manifiesta su belleza de otra forma.
Adidas ha dado su apoyo abierta y completamente a la artista.
- arvidabystromI’ve been wanting to write something on this for awhile, and this whole adidas thing makes me feel it is pretty relevant to bring it up.
I started calling myself a feminist back when I didn’t get big ad jobs and honestly didn’t imagine I would ever do. Also this was a time when feminism wasn’t really a topic of the public discussion in the same way as it is today. Back then I probably claimed I made or wanted to make feministic art, which is why this term seems to be tied to my professional life just due to some mistakes I made as a 20 year old.
I am as a privat person a feminist but in relationship to my work I would say I’m not. Me being in an adidas campaign is great fun, it is a company I enjoy working with and that makes cool stuff, but since all companies are very integrated in our capitalistic system they are inherently non feministic in the sense that this system is built on imperialism and that to me can’t be feministic. So even though I have hairy legs in an ad campaign I guess to me it doesn’t make me a hero of any kind and also not more of a feminist.
I do want to thank everybody for the kind support though. All of you who have been writing the past few days have been incredibly sweet and that truly warms my heart.
I just think that this thing have been blown a little bit out of proportion making it seem like I’m scared of being raped. Basically it was some people in my inbox writing these things. Of course that’s unpleasant and I do think it is a problem that men use sexually violent language when women doesn’t abide, but I don’t actually think these people are gonna rape me. I mainly get concerned for the women that has to be around these men, because having that kind of abusive language coming from somebody that you know or are physically around you is very painful and damaging.Luv to you all and here is a lil animation I made for @ssense that I think is super cool and wish got as much attention as my leg hair.